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congres - conventions

USA, texas, austin

Publié le par kreizker

15 - 17 AOUT 2014

1st Capital Of Texas Conference

USA 473 austin TX 2014

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USA : Singleness of Purpose AA Conference

Publié le par kreizker

Gaithersburg, Montgomery County,  Maryland 

6 - 7 JUIN 2014


USA 470 singleness of purpose 2014





in "Grapevine", february 1958

GRAPEVINE 817 february 1958

We cannot give AA membership to non-alcoholic narcotics-addicts. But like anyone else, they should be able to attend certain open AA meetings, provided, of course, that the groups themselves are willing. AA members who are so inclined should be encouraged to band together in groups to deal with sedative and drug problems. But they ought to refrain from calling themselves AA groups. There seems to be no reason why several AAs cannot join, if they wish, with a group of straight addicts to solve the alcohol and the drug problem together. But, obviously, such a "dual purpose" group should not insist that it be called an AA group nor should it use the AA name in its title. Neither should its "straight addict" contingent be led to believe that they have become AA members by reason of such an association. Certainly there is every good reason for interested AAs to join with "outside" groups, working on the narcotic problem, provided the Traditions of anonymity and of "no endorsements" are respected.

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Publié le par kreizker

IRLANDE 8 2014

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UK, surrey, guildford

Publié le par kreizker

Thème : Nous en sommes venus à croire

Mid-Surrey Intergroup


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