EMINEM et son sigle AA

Publié le par kreizker

70 bill w    



Grammy Award 2011 - 13 février 2011 - Los Angeles


Best Rap album :  "Recovery" eminem 2011a

Plus de 7 millions d'exemplaires vendus 


eminem 2011


in "Rolling Stone" - novembre 2010

Pour la petite histoire, Elton John est son "parrain"



I speak to Elton [John]. He’s like my sponsor. He usually calls me once a week to check on me, just to make sure I’m on the up-and-up. He was actually one of the first people I called when I wanted to get clean. He was hipping me to things, like, “You’re going to see nature that you never noticed before.” Shit you’d normally think was corny but that you haven’t seen in so long that you just go, “Wow! Look at that fucking rainbow!” Or even little things—trees, the color of leaves. I fucking love leaves now, man. I feel like I’ve been neglecting leaves for a long time.


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