histoire aa
16 Décembre 1949 : Poughkeepsie New Yorker
Intervention d'un membre AA lors d'un dîner-rencontre avec la Family Division and Health Division of the Dutchess County Social Planning (à Poughkeepsie - Etat de New York)
Il décrit l'alcoolisme comme une maladie à la fois physique et spirituelle et qui devrait être traitée comme telle
Il indique y avoir entre 80 000 et 100 000 membres et un taux de réussite de 50 % dès le début, 25 % après quelques rechutes
Il considère que l'alcoolique n'est jamais guéri, mais stabilisé et que les juges et la police peuvent être utiles pour expliquer AA
First Southern California Conference of AA - 1952
22-23 Novembre 1952, à Long Beach, Californie
This is the Program for the First Southern California Conference of AA held in Long Beach, CA on November 22nd and 23rd, 1952.
The front cover of the program was signed “Flossie Lewis” and is believed to be her personal copy of the program.
Flossie was a non-alcoholic and wife of AA member Clarence Lewis. She was however very involved and vital to the growth of AA in the Long Beach, CA area. Flossie and Clarence were the first “Special Workers” at the Harbor Area Central Service Office, which was in their home! Flossie helped to create the “Intergroup Exchange Bulletin” with Art Brooks is 1957.
Below you can read excerpts about Flossie Lewis found in “A Brief History of The Harbor Area Central Office of Alcoholics Anonymous” that is accessible in its entirety on the Harbor Area Central Office website:
“On November 10, 1943, Bill Wilson and his wife Lois met with a group of over 400 sober men and women here in Long Beach who came to hear about the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and how the program works.
Rumor has it that this was when Lois W. and Flossie Lewis first discussed having a fellowship for those who were related to the alcoholics. Two names were tried; “Autonomous Auxiliary” and “Non-Alcoholics Anonymous”. It would not be until 1951 that the organization was officially established and the name “Al-Anon” was finally decided upon.