ROSARY HALL, Cleveland, Ohio

Publié le par kreizker

ROSARY HALL, Cleveland, Ohio

jeton 393 rosary hall cleveland


Founded in 1952, Rosary Hall has been at the forefront of treating alcoholism and drug dependency for nearly 60 years. In fact, its founder, Sister Ignatia, worked hand in hand with Dr. Robert Smith after he founded Alcoholics Anonymous in Akron, Ohio. 


Rosary Hall

St. Vincent Charity Medical Center
2351 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115


Le staff "addiction" (non-AA), sous le regard de Soeur Ignatia et du Dr Bob...


Réunion AA dans l'hôpital : groupe "Ignatias's way" 

ROSARY HALL, Cleveland, Ohio
ROSARY HALL, Cleveland, Ohio

Publié dans divers AA

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