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Twelve Steps To Recovery with A.A.

Publié le par kreizker

Twelve Steps To Recovery With Alcoholics Anonymous
Pictures of Castle Craig

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Incendio en un local de AA

Publié le par kreizker

DIARIO DE YUCATAN : Un corto circuito provocó un incendio esta mañana en un local de Alcohólicos Anónimos en el centro de Mérida

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ASP Alcohólicos Anónimos

Publié le par kreizker

ASP Alcohólicos Anónimos -
I made this for my Spanish for Social Services class in about 10 min... and it shows. Hooray for procrastination!
If I ever bother with it again, I'll change the goofy music (stupid iMovie) and fix the accents (I have no idea how to do it on a Mac),add voiceover, give more info, etc.
THANKS to Lauren for being the drunkee!

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Revista Vivência

Publié le par kreizker

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