1952 : "BAR-LESS" MAGAZINE (6 publications par année - 32 pages ou plus)
Ecrit par des membres AA emprisonnés à l'Indiana State Prison
Contient des histoires de rétablissement, des nouvelles des groupes AA en prison, des articles du "Grapevine", de la littérature AA et des lettres.
1952 : Première conférence des groupes AA en prison, tenue à l'Indiana State Prison
Voir aussi :
A.A. Prison Group Conference in 1952
Indiana State Prison was the site of the First Regional Conference of A.A. Prison Groups at Michigan City, Indiana.
Over 600 friends of A.A. from the outside joined 196 from the inside — coming from seven jails — for the event. The Governor of Indiana, Henry Schricker, delivered an address at the conference, thanking the A.A. members attending from outside groups and adding: “Great work is going on here in Indiana. I want to see an organization like [AlcoholicsAnonymous] in every community in the state…. There are men in every community who need this wonderful A.A. fellowship.”