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FRANCE, l'est républicain, 26 09 2002

Publié le par kreizker

 HISTOIRE 666 est républicain 26 sept 2002

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SONDAGES du "AA Grapevine"

Publié le par kreizker

648a header grapevine



A combien de meetings vous rendez-vous par semaine ?


0          4.49%

1-3      47,07%

4-6      35,76%

7 ou + 12,68%  



Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous en AA ?


Moins de 1 an     20,55%

1 à 2 ans              13,99%

3 à 5 ans              14,11%

6 à 10 ans            10,33%

Plus de 10 ans    41,02% 

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Publié le par kreizker



Susan Cheever, membre AA et auteure (2004) de "My name is Bill : Bill Wilson - his life and the Creation of Alcoholics Anonymous", laisse (sous-)entendre assez clairement qu'il y aurait des réunions AA tenues dans la West Wing de la Maison Blanche.


Extrait de l'article du 4 juillet 2011 dans "The Fix", sur l'anonymat  link 


"What if it was widely reported that a significant percentage of U.S. senators are in A.A. or that there are A.A. meetings in the West Wing of the White House? What if hundreds of the movers and shakers in recovery—doctors and lawyers and airline pilots, the Fortune 500 businessmen and ministers—stood up and were counted as members of A.A?"


susan john cheever

Susan Cheever et son père John (écrivain connu et membre AA décédé)


bill w 175

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USA, new york state, amityville

Publié le par kreizker

The Amityville Alcoholics Anonymous 'Open Door' group was founded by Kenny M. and friends to replace another morning group which was drifting more and more away from A.A.'s singleness of purpose

On July 14, 1990, the first meeting of the Amityville 'Open Door' Group was attended by Ben, John, Kenny and Trudy. Initially Kenny performed all of the required group functions: made coffee, opened the meeting, qualified, was treasurer until the meeting became established. Daily meeting attendance now ranges from thirty through ninety participants. In July 2009, the group expects to celebrate its nineteenth anniversary.


Hollywood Baptist Church Annex - 3504 Great Neck Road - Amityville - NY 11701 - USA

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