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Publié le par kreizker

Groupe "ciudad cardel" (nouveau bâtiment en construction)
Premier groupe fondé le 12 décembre 1986 

Groupe "ampliacion durango", fondé le 11 juin 1987


Les groupes Alcoholicos Anonimos 24 horas ne font PAS partie du mouvement Alcooliques Anonymes, se basent sur le même programme, MAIS en n'ayant pas les mêmes traditions ou modes de fonctionnement

Publié dans AA Monde

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GUATEMALA, retalhuleu

Publié le par kreizker

Guatemala 2010


40 convencion nacional de Alcoholicos Anonimos de Guatemala 


27  -  28  novembre 2010


Thème : "generaciones pasaran pero el programa de AA permancera"

Publié dans congrès - conventions

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BRESIL, alagoas, maceio

Publié le par kreizker

BRESIL 51 2010

Publié dans AA Monde

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Is It Possible to Stop Addiction ?

Publié le par kreizker

In Part One of this program the guests discussed the costs and causes of addiction. One point stood out: that addiction is a chronic brain disease.  As such, one time treatment is not going to stop addiction.  Dr. Kevin Gilliland makes a key statement, that 80% of those who leave treatment relapse in 2-3 months. Initial treatment is only the start – then it gets tough.


Panelists include:

  • Christopher Kennedy Lawford – Actor, Author and  Public Advocacy Consultant for Caron Treatment Centers; New York Times bestselling author of Symptoms of Withdrawal: A Memoir of Snapshots and Redemption and Moments of Clarity: Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery
  • Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D- Clinical Psychologist and CEO of Innovation 360
  • Bill Teuteburg – Interventionist associated with The Caron Foundation and a long term residential program known as Renaissance.


Chris emphasizes that, “AA is the biggest social invention since Christ. It has helped more people than any other program combined.”



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